Sunday, 8 May 2016

A gift for Mom - Handyman services around the house

Looking for that great gift for mom? How about getting her a Handyman gift certificate, either for your time and services or one of our professionals. 

One day of doing chores around the house can make such a difference in the value of a property and give the dweller a feeling of being proud of where they stay.

----------------------------------------------- My Alexa Joke of the day -------------------------------------------
Why are Christmas trees so fond of the past?
.... Because the Present is so beneath them !

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Making life easy - An Adventure with iRobot

So Camini returned from Miami recently and brought me one of those little robots that scoot around your house and vacuum up dust.  Great friend, isn't she?  Anyway, I tried it out this week and it does work wonders on my tile floors!  The little bugger was probably rolling its sensors after it realized how little I pass a broom...

It does take a bit of preparation to make sure it has clear paths under all your furniture and between the legs.

And it's a good thing I had spent a day last Christmas to coil all my loose cables and tack them up to the TV stand and desk, because it might have gotten tangled up badly.

But as long as you keep it charged and empty out its dust receptacle after every run, it makes for a good little house keeper! The cats just love em!

Have you tried any of these automated vacuum cleaners? Tell us your stories.

----------------------------------------------- My Alexa Joke of the day -------------------------------------------
Two antennas got married 
.... The wedding was boring, but the reception was excellent !

Friday, 6 May 2016

Are you prepared for the Hurricane Season?

The hurricane season is here. The dreaded months of May to November. There is safety in planning. Every year on the first day of May I like to pull out  my hurricane box. Yes I do have a box of supplies, along with a couple knapsacks. I open them up, get rid of expired products, and top it up with new ones. All batteries are changed on flashlights and other battery operated devices. Carmini and I usually have a party as we unpack our boxes and repack.
Do you have your hurricane plan ready? I usually

1)    Update the family emergency plan, and remind everyone where they have to go and who to call

2)    First aid kit and instructions

3)    Fire extinguisher

4)    Battery-powered radio

5)    Flashlights

6)    Extra batteries

7)    Sleeping bags or extra blankets

8)    Supplies to make drinking water safe (like iodine tablets or chlorine bleach)

----------------------------------------------- My Alexa Joke of the day -------------------------------------------
What do you feed an invisible 
.... Evapourated Milk !