Saturday, 7 May 2016

Making life easy - An Adventure with iRobot

So Camini returned from Miami recently and brought me one of those little robots that scoot around your house and vacuum up dust.  Great friend, isn't she?  Anyway, I tried it out this week and it does work wonders on my tile floors!  The little bugger was probably rolling its sensors after it realized how little I pass a broom...

It does take a bit of preparation to make sure it has clear paths under all your furniture and between the legs.

And it's a good thing I had spent a day last Christmas to coil all my loose cables and tack them up to the TV stand and desk, because it might have gotten tangled up badly.

But as long as you keep it charged and empty out its dust receptacle after every run, it makes for a good little house keeper! The cats just love em!

Have you tried any of these automated vacuum cleaners? Tell us your stories.

----------------------------------------------- My Alexa Joke of the day -------------------------------------------
Two antennas got married 
.... The wedding was boring, but the reception was excellent !

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