Saturday, 19 March 2016

Heat in the Place - We forgot the AC Unit!

Yesterday it was raining cats and dogs and I could swear I saw a cow drop down. But today the Sun is out to roast! And my poor A/C unit is struggling to keep up. Do you realise that of all the home maintenance chores around the house, we hardly ever get to the A/C Unit!

Here’s what you can do to keep your unit running smoothly and efficiently, between visits from your friendly neighborhood maintenance crew:

  1. Go outside and inspect the drain hose or pipe outlet – make sure it is not clogged up with slime, and clear a path for the condensation water to flow down to a drain or to the street.
  2. Where possible, place gravel (small rocks) along the path of the water, to keep algae and mold from forming – Yuck!
  3. If the compressor unit outside is at ground level, make sure it has room to “breathe” – clear away any dust and debris from the grilles (make sure the switch is off first!), and don’t place barrels or other appliances nearby.
  4. Inside, open the condenser unit, remove the filter screens, and brush them off outside, rinse, and let dry.

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