Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Rainy Days ahead - Doing our part to prevent floods

We are in the middle of March, but it seems like those April showers are coming much earlier than expected. 

Today while looking for things to do around the house, I ventured outside, and while it seemed as if I had everything under control, my eyes glanced at the drains. I shook my head left and right and repeated several times. The rain washed down garbage from the higher areas upstream. As citizens we must do our part to reduce litter, and keep our waterways clear. This practice can prevent the spread of diseases as well as minimize flooding when the June cloudbursts come down!  It took about 15 minutes, a standard shovel and a large garbage bag did the trick. The drain is all cleaned now. 

The drains in your area getting out of hand, call the regional corporation and report it. Or call a handyman today and let him help you get them clean! Tell us your drain stories.

----------------------------------------------- My Alexa Joke of the day -------------------------------------------
Excuse me waiter, this coffee tastes like mud
Yes Sir, it s fresh ground!

1 comment:

  1. Wish everyone was like you as most people would just leave it there and complain.
